365体育投注 Day of Yoga - 2015

The faculty and students of 365体育投注 College of Nursing 365体育投注 and 365体育投注 School of Nursing, 365体育投注 observed the 365体育投注 Day of Yoga on 21st June 2015.

June 23, 2015

As part of this, we had an essay competition organized on 19th June 2015 for the students on the theme ‘Yoga and Health’. Poster competition was held on the same theme for the faculty and students of MCON and MSON. A total of 20 members participated in the essay and poster competition. ?

Session on various topics related to Yoga was conducted on 20th June 2015 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Dr.Annapoorna Acharya, Selection Grade Lecturer, Yoga Department, KMC, 365体育投注 gave a holistic view of Yoga. She said Yoga is not just an exercise; it is a practice which needs to be continued with balanced mind and body. She said it is important to follow a good diet and lifestyle practices along with yoga.

Dr.Manjari Chandra, ex-student of Yoga therapy, KMC 365体育投注 had demonstrated various yoga aasanas. Students and faculty of MCON and MSON joined her and performed various aasanas. The various aasanas demonstrated were: Trikonasana, Parshwakonasana, Parshwottanasana, Padahastasana, Paschimatanasana, Janurshirshasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Bharadwajasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Sarvangasana, Vrikshasana, Baddakonasana, Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Makarasana and Shavasana.

On this special day, the Student Nurses’ Association 2015-16 of MCON has introduced Yoga Club for the students of MCON which will be continued. Winners of the Poster and Essay competitions were awarded.?

Dr. Anice George, Dean MCON, 365体育投注, Dr.Kasturi R Adiga, Principal MSON and Dr.Jyothi Chakrabarthy, Associate Professor, MCON also spoke on the importance of Yoga and shared their research experiences and cherished their memories of conducting their doctoral studies on the topics where yoga was considered as the main intervention. The topics were Yoga therapy for dysmenorrhea, Pranayama on lung function and Pranayama on cancer related fatigue respectively. ?

The faculty and students of MCON 365体育投注 demonstrated various yoga aasanas and pranayamas on 21st June 2015 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am. Mrs.Malathi G Nayak, Assistant Professor, MCON 365体育投注 demonstrated the aasanas and pranayamas and led the group.